- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 14
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 25
- Overnachting € 30
Heb je een
kattenoppasser nodig?
Over Mij
Always the extra mile for your fur balls ❤❤❤
Hi everyone,
I am 41 yo full time French artist who has moved to beautiful Amsterdam about 8 years ago now. I really love it here! The lovely streets and canals, the biking and the great atmosphere...so I am planning to stay for quite a while! 🙂
We always had cats in the family, I grew up with Popol, Solomon, Emy, Zozo, Tiger, Tiriouc and the last but not least Tescha, a beautiful Isabelle with long hair!
I have huge tenderness for cats, they are very relaxing to me and I miss their presence in my life! ❤ I would love to take care of your cats so I get the chance to enjoy a bit of their love, games and purrs while you are away ❤
Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information about me 🙂