- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 10
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 16
- Overnachting € 20
Heb je een
kattenoppasser nodig?
Over Mij
Miawwsome Cat sitter
Heyy, I 'm Gizem and I'm 21 years old, I'm a cat owner back in my home country in Turkey since 2017, I absolutely love cats and taking care of them, since I cant own a cat due to the fact that in the house i live with other people, I would love to take care of your cat/cats.
I would love to take care and playing, having fun with cats. I can play and pet them all day and I assure you that i can get along with cats :)
Please contact me if you have any further questions.
Best Regards Gizem