- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 10
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 15
- Overnachting € 25
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Cat sitting service in Maastricht
Hi Cat parents! My name is Elinor, I’m 21 years old and I’m an Italian student living in Maastricht. I grew up with cats and i’ve been caring for them since I can remember! I have 6 feline friends back home. Their names are Miriam (14), Milou (12), Gohan (8), Hiro (5), Olly (3) and Masha (1). I have a super special bond with Olly because I personally took care of her from the first day she joined our family. I consider myself as her mum!😁 As I miss all of them so much and many accommodations don’t allow owning pets here in Maastricht, having the possibility to be a cat sitter is a great opportunity to spend some time with new cat friends and take care of them!
I would provide your cats any basic services such as food (wet/dry/snacks), water, cleaned environment (food and water bowls cleaned, litter box cleaning, house cleaning), playing and cuddle time of course! I also understand that every cat has their own personality, so if cuddling or playing are not activities that they would enjoy, I want to assure you that their boundaries will always be respected. Moreover, I can provide health services, I am familiar with it since one of my cats had food allergy issues and I used to give her pills and other various medications as well as a strict diet.
If you have any other services that I didn’t mention and you want me to provide you, I am available to help you with it.