- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 14
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 18
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kattenoppasser nodig?
Over Mij
Chief Cat Lover Rotterdam
Hello, It's Merve and living in Rotterdam for 2 years already! I work in a big Dutch company and this is how we moved from Turkey to the Netherlands. By saying we, it's me, my husband and of course our cat :) He's a 7,5 years old ginger cat. A true lap cat for us but a nightmare for vet :)
Not only for ours but I'm in love with cats. Maybe you know or heard already there are lots of stray cats in Istanbul, that's why for me taking care of cats, showing my love to them is always a pleasure. You can make sure that if I'll take care yours they will enjoy it too :)