- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 10
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 18
- Overnachting € 35
Heb je een
kattenoppasser nodig?
Over Mij
Don't purrrrrreocupate about your kitties while you are meoway :D
Hi! I'm Tomás. I'm from Argentina and brought Jaco and Benito, my two cats, from there to The Netherlands! I understand how hard it is to go away for a weekend, week, or even longer vacations when you have pets (and plants) at home.
I offer to visit once or twice a day to take care of your cats. This would include cleaning their litter, feeding them, changing water, leaving them outside for a bit (if it's safe to do so), cuddle them a bit and watering your plants if you have them as well