- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 14
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 17
- Overnachting € 30
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Over Mij
The Cat Priestess
I'm an American expat, a creative writer and artist. I work from home mostly copywriting for podcasts. I have always been an animal lover and I believe each animal is different in personality and needs. I enjoy creating art, reading, board games, and volunteering. Just recently became a resident of Netherlands though the EU Verification and I love living here!
I am able to play, walk, feed, give oral medication, clean liter box, brush, cuddle, and trim nails on cats that will let me! Can also provide pictures and text updates when I visit. I have experience with kittens, pregnant cats, and elderly cats. I have owned cats for majority of my life and have taken care of others cats for a combination of three years.