- 1 Bezoek/Dag € 10
- 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 16
- Overnachting € 15
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kattenoppasser nodig?
Over Mij
Bean Paws 4ever
I will be staying in Rotterdam for the holidays this Christmas/New Years season(2022)!
I've moved from Istanbul, the cat capital, to Rotterdam 2 years ago. I've had a rescue back home, Müdür. I loved and cared for him until he passed away, still holds a dear place in my heart. Then I moved in with a cat owner, we had 2 cats in our house for 3 years. We even had a yearly best cat picture contest. On top of those I had a stray cat that I cared for the last 2 years. She loved and trusted me so much that she had her kittens in front of my window, in the box-home I made for her. It was a blessed moment for both us and the kittens. So, I've had a lot of experience with cats. I'm not afraid of getting bitten, scratched or giving medicine to cats. You can say I've cleaned many litter boxes in my time. I didn't have much experience with disabled cats but I've provided temporary housing for cats and dogs in need. I'm missing that precious connection and would love to help!
Merhaba ben Sevgi! İstanbul'dan buraya 1 sene önce taşındım. Burada WdKA'da grafik tasarım okuyorum. İyi bir öğrenciyim ve başarılıyım, harçlık çıkarmak ve çok özlediğim kedilerle vakit geçirebilmek için kedi bakıcılığı yapıyorum. Zamanım oldukça hem size yardımcı olmak hem de kedinizle vakit geçirmeyi çok isterim.
Will have deep conversations with your cat so they won't get bored, Outstanding petting services, Not afraid of vomit, Will be concerned for your pet like it's mine, Can give medicine but not injections (sorry I don't want to try something I've never done before and endanger any pets) I'm available most of the time, am a graphic design student at WDKA but our schedule is very flexible.
Daha önce birçok kediye bakıcılık yaptım ve şu ana kadar hiçbir sorunla karşılaşmadım. İlaç verme konusunda da yardımcı olabilirim.