Binnenlandse langharige kat
  • 1 Bezoek/Dag € 12
  • 2 Bezoeken/Dag € 17
  • Overnachting € 20

Heb je een
kattenoppasser nodig?

Over Mij

Kat Man

In NL for over 5 years now and live with my 2 katers.

I work from home so timing is not an issue. Would be happy to meet you and your furballs!

In addition to the necessities like feeding and cleaning, I love to pet and cuddle with cats.

I will send pictures and videos as well to let you know that they are happy :D

I will always be a text or call away, and will let you know if I have any questions or concerns.

Naast de benodigdheden zoals voeden en schoonmaken, hou ik ook van aaien en troetelen met katten.

Mijn Harige klanten

  • Sandy & Filo

Payment Method Information

Betaal Veilig

MasterCard Visa iDEAL IBAN