Tabby domestic shorthair cat
  • 1 Daily Visit € 13
  • 2 Daily Visits € 20

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Jiaqi L

About Me

Cat sitter in Den Haag

I've had a passion for cat and dog since I was a little girl. Growing up, my family always had dogs and the one who really impacted my life was my friend, who adopted 2 dogs and 1 cat. She was my best friend and was so protective and sweet. She was the reason I became interested in working with animals. A few years ago, I found a three-month-old kitten in my backyard and I instantly became a cat lady. My mon now still feed him and we named it Bobby.

Last year I moved to my current apartment with my boyfriend, and then we had our first pet, youyou, a British cat.

I consider myself a foodie and love to travel. If I am not trying out new foods or playing with my cats.

-Daily Visits, -Kitty Care,

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