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Holy Himalaya! Everything You Need to Know about the Himalayan Cat Breed

21 Sept 2024.

Himalayan cats are a popular cat breed due to their striking blue eyes, stunning fur coats, and laid-back purrsonalities. Like any fur friend, this breed comes with their own unique traits and features. At times affectionately referred to as ‘Himmies’ these felines can make great companions, but they also require some specialised care. Want to learn more about the adorable Himalayan cat breed? Cat in a Flat is here to tell you everything—from the Himalayan’s origins to the proper care—you need to know! 

Where do Himalayan cats come from?

Where do Himalayan cats come from? Despite what their name suggests, these kitties did not originate anywhere near the Himalayas, nor are they named after the famous mountain ranges! The reason breeders named this breed ‘Himalayan’ is because of the similarity they bear to Himalayan rabbits—who have similar coat patterns. The first Himalayan actually originated in the 1930s at Harvard and was the result of breeders crossing Persian cats with Siamese cats. The intention was to create a cat with the muscular body type of a Persian, while sporting the coat colour of a Siamese. 

What kind of personality do Himalayans have?

Himalayan cats are very calm and loving kitties. They enjoy the company of their humans and tend to make friends with other pets (such as other cats) and get along well with babies and children. Although placid, these fur friends can exhibit sudden bursts of kitten-like activity. One minute Mr Whiskers might be napping, the next they’ll be running around the room chasing their favourite ball. And, because they’re so intelligent and curious, teaching your fur friend tricks is a breeze! 

Himalayan kitties will also get quite attached to their humans. Once they bond with you, your Himmie will want to be around you all the time. They’ll follow you from the kitchen to the bathroom and even sleep in bed with you. A particularly pawsitive personality trait is that, while Himalayan cats can be creatures of habit, they also don’t mind too much when something in their daily routine changes. These felines are also great for apartment living as they prefer to remain indoors and don’t require an outdoor space. 

How to take care of a Himalayan cat

They may be laid-back kitties, but this doesn’t mean Himmies don’t require some specialised care. Other than essential cat care such as trimming Mr Whiskers’ claws, here are the key ways to properly look after your Himalayan kitty:


Due to their long, thick coats, frequent grooming is a must for Himalayans. You should brush your kitty every day to prevent matting and keep their coat clean. If you don’t have time for daily brushing, there are groomers who specialise in long-haired cats. Trimming Mr Whiskers’ coat can help keep it healthy even if you can’t brush it every day, but always have a professional do it. You’ll also need to clean your feline’s eyes to prevent sticking as Himmies’ eyes tend to water quite a lot. 


Although Himmies are prone to short bursts of energy, this is not an active breed. Your Himalayan will most likely prefer napping to physical activity, but as a responsible cat owner you need to make sure they get daily exercise. Not only will playing with your cat every day keep them happy and healthy, but it’ll strengthen your bond and is great for your mental health too! Provide your feline with plenty of interactive toys and reward them with treats after play time to keep them motivated


Because they are not a very active breed, it’s important to monitor your furry friend’s diet to prevent overeating. If left to their own devices, Himalayans will eat a lot and exercise little, which can lead to an overweight cat.Feed your cat a combination of high nutrition wet and dry food so they don’t get bored. Also, try to stick to a feeding schedule and avoid leaving food out all the time. This way Mr Whiskers isn’t grazing throughout the day and night. 

If you spend a lot of time outside the home and aren’t able to play with or groom your fur friend daily, consider hiring a cat sitter to pop in during the day to provide additional care. A pet sitter can feed, play with, and groom your feline as well as keep them company while you’re away!

Other things to know about Himalayan cats

Himmies are a brachycephalic breed, which means they are more flat-faced and have shorter noses than other types of felines. This particular anatomy makes it difficult for Himalayans to breathe, and they can even get out of breath more quickly during exercise. Because of their flat faces, these kitties are also more prone to eye problems and dental diseases. 

Himalayan cats are also predisposed to kidney and heart disease. While you can increase your fur friend’s chances of a long healthy life with good diet and exercise, it’s important to be aware of potential health complications before bringing a Himmie home with you. 

Where can I get a Himalayan cat?

Where can I get a Himalayan cat? Maybe you think a Himmie sounds like the purrfect addition to your household, and you can’t wait to bring one home. If so, take care seeking out reputable breeders. These breeders care about the health and well-being of their kitties and can provide paperwork to prove each feline’s pedigree. NEVER buy from an unverified source or from pet mills. Himalayan kitties can cost upwards of £1,000 pounds and you should be wary of ‘cheap’ or ‘bargain’ cats. 

Only get a Himalayan if you’re able to invest in ensuring they come from a reputable breeder. This will give you a much higher chance of owning a healthy Himmie, and you’ll avoid supporting unethical breeding too.

If you can’t afford a pedigree Himalayan, don’t worry! Adopting a kitty can be a more affordable and is undoubtably the most ethical way to bring a new fur friend into your life. Some cat rescues will even cover the initial cost of microchippingvaccinating, and spaying or neutering your feline. And sometimes you can even find specific breeds available for adoption too! 

Want to learn about other fascinating feline breeds? Check out our blog posts with everything you need to know about the exotic Bengal cat and the gentle giant Maine Coon kitties!

  • #catinaflat
  • #pet care
  • Cat Care
  • himalayan cat
  • Himalayan cat care
  • himmie
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